I’m back! After a long period of time where I have been focusing on finishing lots of reports and projects, I finally have a moment to think, write, and share about my trips around the State of Washington.
Let’s begin with the really good news. Do you remember when I shared with you about an amazing Washington state woodworking company, Built by Daniel? If you do, visit his website and his Facebook page; he keeps amazing me with his creations. The Target Rural Enterprise Project [TREP] and its partners have helped him to increase his customer base.
A company I haven’t t mentioned (until now), Diversified Manufacturing Technologies, also part of TREP has hired a new employee. For a super small company, it is a huge step. They used the TREP to focus on their strategic goals and to gain momentum in his long term goal of being AS9100D compliant.
Now, what everybody is waiting for: Pictures of my trips and knowing more about the amazing people I am meeting. In this time I met a lady that makes Premium coffee in Central WA. For a coffee lover like me, it is an exceptional opportunity to drink such a quality beverage. During the trip to my next appointment in Wenatchee, I found a couple of places where I had to take pictures. Amazing places and, for a Spaniard, complicated names.

Miguel is an international bilingual senior manager, with experience in implementation and maintenance of Quality Management Systems and process improvement, project management, customer and vendor relations, in nationwide companies, different environments and industries. He loves new challenges and is eager to learn about new processes. He can analyze any process and apply his skills and knowledge to transform it into a standardized, efficient, and lean process. Miguel has lived in Spain, Mexico, and Colorado, just to name a few places. He is fluent in both English and Spanish. Out of Office is a collection of his musings, travels, and experiences in Washington State.Â
He welcomes comments, questions, and requests for free business valuations. He can be reached at mmoreno@impactwashington.org.