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Supporting the Green Industrial Revolution

Thursday, September 22, 2022 | Lean and Green, Operational Excellence, All

Between the government’s ambitious plans to go green and the recent trend of supporting sustainability, getting on board with the Green Industrial Revolution may positively impact your manufacturing company more than you think. 

There’s been a rapidly emerging trend to support businesses that use environmentally sustainable practices. From using biodegradable straws to using materials and tools that are better for the environment, consumers notice all the details. In addition to the recent trend, the government has also announced its Net Zero hopes (which means cutting greenhouse gasses and other environmentally unfriendly emissions to as close to zero as possible). Many companies are starting to align their business practices to meet these new standards. But drastically cutting emissions and changing long-established business practices is a huge undertaking; so where do you start? 

First off, no two companies are the same. It’s important to seek training and consulting that is specific to your manufacturing company. This will help you see what areas could be improved and how to get there. Impact Washington, a local MEP, offers both consulting and training programs to manufacturers. We are happy to work with you and determine the best course of action. We already offer our Lean and Green 101 program, which focuses on implementing lean warehouse management with sustainable business practices that will pay off in the short and long run. 

Second, waste reduction is a key area for manufacturers to evaluate. Specific ways to do this are by using smarter systems, repurposing certain materials, and cutting out excess shipping. Smart systems will help eliminate overproduction, which contributes to waste. Repurposing materials extend the life length of your products. Optimizing the supply chain will also cut out extra shipping and therefore reduce your volume of waste. Lastly, training employees to either develop new skills or build upon existing skills helps ensure that your workers use the best sustainable practices they can.

Taking steps to better support environmentally sustainable practices is not easy. It requires significant restructuring and change. However, it can be incredibly beneficial to your manufacturing company in the long run. Impact Washington is here to consult with you and plan your course of action. 

Read the full article by the Manufacturer here

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